Random | The Outlooks on World

The way people see the world affects the way they understand it. Everyone was born like a page of white paper to be shaped. In the childhood, kids learn from their parents and teachers to tell the right and wrong. In the school, students learn about how the world is becoming today’s world through history lessons; they learn the way to analyse the world qualitatively and quantitatively from science; they feel the ineffable beauty and learn to express it through literature, music and art. Education in schools does not just provide kids with knowledge or skills to earn their living in the future, but also the perspectives to understand the world.

I don’t know why I am adding this. Probably people always use a photo in the post & I happened to miss the Macaroons of Strasbourg 🙉

The living environment and the people we meet in our life significantly influence over us the way to treat others, because social relationship is just a mirror of the world we live in. In an established social and cultural environment, we receive the feedback from the others and adjust our behaviours to suit the common values of the surroundings. If we don’t go outside to experience another environment with different social culture, we may just assume the people are basically the same with surroundings. The people grow up in a trusty environment would be willing to believe in the goods and show good faith to others, and they might easier to see the positive sides of people. However, the people grow up in insecurity may be have the trend of self-isolation, and difficulty in trusting unconditional good intentions. Of course, the whole psychology theories of personality is far more complicated than these. It is undeniable yet that the way we understand the living environment changes our attitudes of people, subsequently the relationships.

For the worldview, it is hard to evaluate it whether someone’s world view is good or not. It involves the growth environment, the education he/she received, the people he/she met, and the way he/she access and digest the informations. However, there is a Chinese word to describe and evaluate it: “格局”, which is not able to be translated in English or German precisely. It is actually another description of the worldview, not just in terms of size, but also in terms of fineness.

The broader world one gets to know, the finer the understanding of the development of things and the more correct thinking one will be produced, and thus the right action he will take and there will be a good harvest;
The narrower the world one gets to know, the less he could understand the mechanism of development, as a result, he will more focus on results but ignore the complexity of reality, which prevents him from understanding the big picture and having sound judgements.

Therefore, the outlook of world, or in other word, “格局”, lays the very foundation for everyone’s attitude towards almost everything.

Having sound judgements is so essential in our lives, however, few people have really good judgment, as their worldviews are not well-founded and reliable enough. Sometimes people contradict themselves, usually because the way they see the world is always contradictory as well.

A sound world view requires a great deal of reflection in life, remaining open and inclusive to constant exposure to new things and people, and constantly improving one’s perspective by stepping out of one’s comfort zone. None of these are as easy to do as one might think. So one of the most important motivations to this, actually, is curiosity. Curiosity is a very important internal driver but easily ignored. So keep the curiosity, keep the motivation, keep exploring the unknown causes of known world and keep open minds to the unknown and uncertain world. Just embrace the diversity of the beautiful world.

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